LinkChoir provides a perfect solution to the most significant shortcoming of traditional thesaurus construction systems - the lack of integration of thesaurus terms with information sources that need to be indexed by the thesaurus. It is fairly common for corporations to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars building a thesaurus, but be unable to use it effectively because of the difficulty in integrating the thesaurus with external information sources. LinkChoir is the crucial tool that allows other applications to globally access and use thesaurus descriptors to index the database records in these applications, providing the only answer to this persistent problem.
Among many others, LinkChoir contains the following key features:
- Converting, easily and effectively, a thesaurus or taxonomical hierarchy into a browsable structure, enabling indexers many ways to investigate and employ related, synonymous, and broader topics and concepts simultaneously and automatically while indexing.
- Integrating, quite easily, thesauri and indexing vocabularies with a diverse range of client information sources.
- Updating, automatically and globally, descriptors that have been used in indexing.
And last but not least,
- LinkChoir eliminates the usual monotonous transfer steps, such as Cut and Paste, when applying terms from vocabulary resources during indexing.
LinkChoir provides both the Web interface and Windows API for integrating with external applications. As a result, whether your application is Web-based or Windows-based, LinkChoir is available for you.