Product Information
iBuild is a revolutionary information organizing and searching tool custom designed for use with the Getty vocabularies. It is a completely Web-based editorial support system for managing and extending the Getty terminology from the vocabularies to enhance the value of information resources maintained by museums and other organizations. iBuild is open, scalable, secure, flexible, and multilingual. It supports most popular platforms and databases.
iBrowse contains everything iBuild has, except editing functions. iBrowse enables the Getty vocabularies, and customizations that you may have introduced with iBuild, to be available for browsing and navigation. Key features include efficient hierarchy browsing, a Web-based collaborative environment for easy candidate term submissions to the Getty, and support for sophisticated search strategies. It also serves as a thesaurus-aided search-filtering tool to significantly improve both recall and precision in Web searches.
Click here for iBrowse demo
iIndex solves the most significant shortcoming associated with commercially available vocabularies-the lack of integration of the thesaurus terms with information resources in museums (or other organizations) that need to be indexed by thesauri. iIndex is the crucial tool that allows other applications to globally access and use thesaurus terms to index database records in external applications, providing the only answer to this persistent problem. iIndex presents the Getty vocabularies in browsable structures, providing indexers with many ways to investigate and employ related, synonymous, and broader topics and concepts simultaneously and automatically while indexing. It integrates the Getty vocabularies with a diverse range of client information sources. As updates are issued by the Getty for the vocabularies, iIndex provides automatic and global changes for descriptors that have been used in indexing. Finally, the monotony of “cut and paste” during indexing is eliminated.
Click here for iIndex demo
iSeek is a robust, full-featured retrieval system that enables users to browse and navigate the Getty vocabularies, allowing the searcher many ways to investigate and employ related and synonymous topics and concepts while searching. Moreover, iSeek supports vocabulary-enhanced keyword searches within database records. If iIndex has been employed to index database records using the Getty vocabularies customized with iBuild for in-house use, iSeek also supports a controlled vocabulary search of those records indexed with descriptors from the associated thesaurus. iSeek enables users to:
- Connect and configure any JDBC and ODBC databases without any programming. The user can include fields from multiple tables in the search result, decide which fields are searchable, and how fields should be ordered, formatted, and presented.
- Browse and navigate a collapsible hierarchy to investigate and employ related, synonymous, and broader topics and concepts simultaneously while searching.
- Search multiple databases simultaneously using either the Getty vocabularies or keywords or both.
- Enhance keyword searching with the Getty vocabularies to eliminate the synonym and homonym problems that exist in natural language, even when the database is not indexed by Getty descriptors.
- Broaden and narrow searches using iSeek's unique classification notation, which is specifically designed for such searches.
- Extract the descriptor found in retrieved records and jump to the thesaurus hierarchy through the descriptor to further refine the search.