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Tools - Getty Vocabularies
Tools - WAND Taxonomies

Partnering with WebChoir

WebChoir is establishing relationships with producers of controlled vocabularies and other commercially-available knowledge management resources.

WebChoir iProducts (iBuild, iBrowse, iIndex, iSeek) combine with specialized commercially-available vocabularies to expand the potential audience for those resources. Producers can implement their vocabularies with WebChoir products for use in customer enterprises thus facilitating precise indexing and advanced searching of in-house and Internet resources.  Moreover, customers of these intellectual resources have the ability to suggest new terms to the producer as well as expand the vocabularies for their own internal purposes. We provide complete solutions for the distribution, interactive access and dissemination, and entry into new markets for valuable intellectual property (IP).  Currently, one collaborative venture with the Getty Trust has been announced -- other negotiations are underway.  Click here for more information about WebChoir iProducts for the Getty vocabularies.

We also seek commercial partners among file and records management developers.  WebChoir offers increased value and functional enhancements to vocabulary resources by integrating a total enterprise-wide information organization, classification and indexing/tagging, and information retrieval solution -- all in one.

We also look for partnering with database and application vendors to provide complete solutions for information indexers/classifiers and searchers to index and search information using controlled vocabularies. Our tools can be easily integrated or embedded in any database applications to provide added value.

WebChoir enables commercial partners to:

  • Increase revenue and market share for your IP by embedding our tools to enhance the usefulness of your thesauri, taxonomies, classifications, or other hierarchical resources for your customers.
  • Differentiate your vocabulary resources as standalone, flexible tools that can be used for a wide range of information, knowledge, and records management initiatives across corporate, academic, and industry sectors.

We partner with libraries, information centers, government agencies, research institutes, enterprise information portal vendors, knowledge and records management firms and others to provide E-business and corporate portal solutions that utilize controlled vocabularies and taxonomies, offering ways of identifying critical conceptual relationships in support of business decisions.

We welcome your interest in partnering with us. Forward any inquiries to:

WebChoir, Inc.
Headquarters & Research and Development Offices
11301 Olympic Blvd. Suite 586





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