On February 1, 2006, WebChoir announces the release of TCS-10.
Among the many new features and enhancements, look for:
User-definable data entry and editing. Two editing templates are now supported: current tabbed format and one page format with collapsible sections and suppressible data elements.
Improved view of descriptor details with options for saving and printing.
Enhanced import and export, with the addition of predefined templates and wizards.
Improved reporting, allowing more customizations.
Improved large hierarchy handling.
Ability to move descriptor/branch using drag and drop.
Capability to order individual user-defined notes and relations along with other data elements.
Use of long labels for user-defined notes and relations.
Improved Web Thesaurus Navigator, now supporting two templates for the vocabulary publishing and browsing on the Web.
Ability to use different colors for approved descriptors and descriptors that have not been approved. And the user can specify the color.
New statistics to the Hierarchy Property page, such as total number of descriptors, synonyms, node labels, related terms, top terms, scope notes, etc.
Improved log viewer with detailed transaction information and more filtering options.
Expanded online help, with full text search capability so that the user can quickly find information about a topic like Delete Hierarchy or Import ASCII.